ADUA.CA Full Questionnaire

ADUA.CA Full Questionnaire

Hi there! We want to know more about you so we can help you better. Please answer these questions:

1. About You

2. About Your Company (if you have one)

3. What Do You Want to Achieve with Your Website or Online Marketing?

4. Do You Already Have a Website? If Yes, What Could Be Better About It?

5. What Services Are You Interested In? (You Can Choose More Than One)

6. How Much Do You Care About How Your Website Looks? Do You Want It to Look Really Good?

7. Do You Use Social Media? If Yes, Which Ones and How Often Do You Post or Share?

8. Do You Have a Plan for What You’ll Share Online?

9. Do You Want to Use Videos for Your Marketing? If Yes, What Kind of Videos Are You Thinking Of?

10. Is Email Marketing Important to You? Do You Already Have People’s Email Addresses?

11. Would You Like Some Help and Advice to Do Well Online?

12. How Worried Are You About Keeping Your Website and Info Safe?

13. Do You Use Google Ads to Promote Your Business?

14. How Much Does Your Online Reputation Matter to You?

15. Have You Tried Any Online Marketing Before?

16. Who Is Your Ideal Customer? Tell Us About Them.

17. What Makes Your Business Special? What Sets You Apart from Others?

18. Are There Specific Places or Markets You Want to Reach? Where?

19. How Much Money Do You Plan to Spend on Online Marketing? Monthly or Yearly?

20. How Will You Know If Your Online Marketing Is Doing Well? What Will You Measure?

21. Do You Want Detailed Reports on How Your Marketing Is Going?

22. How Much Do You Want to Be Involved in the Marketing Process?

23. Are There Any Rules or Laws You Need to Follow When You Do Marketing? Tell Us If You Know.

24. When Do You Want to Start Working on Your Online Marketing? Soon or Later?

25. Do You Have Anything Else You Want to Tell Us About Your Online Needs?